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What does sense of SYnergy mean ?

We use the word sense in many ways. One of the most common ones is when we verbalise our internal experiences. We say I felt a sense of... There was a sense of…" It can be a sense of safety, sense of connection, sense of freedom, sense of helplessness… When our experiences are hard to understand and we feel lost in them, we say "That doesn't make sense!".


The primary mission of Sense of Synergy is to help you understand yourself and your experiences. To put the pieces of the puzzle together and make sense of it all. 


Our senses can help us with that (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), as they are incredibly powerful. They can change how we feel, how we think and how we perceive the world. They can make us feel pleasant and comfortable or disturbed and hurt. They allow us to experience the current moment more consciously, but they can also trigger the hardest memories of our past, deeply stored in the unconscious memory. Our senses can be a gateway to healing.


Sense of Synergy uses therapeutic benefits of our senses in its psycho-educational courses and cultivates the power of our sense of smell with its unique handmade candle range.


Synergy means that the combined power of multiple things is richer and more valuable than power of a single thing. In aromatherapy for example, when we blend essential oils together, we create synergic blends. We use our knowledge about the benefits of the oils, purposefully mixing them together, to create a more effective product. Different essential oils compliment and empower each other. To me, synergy means holistic. It means wholeness. It means seeing a bigger picture and not using one rigid method.


Sense of Synergy adopts a holistic synergetic approach to working with people by focusing on the body, mind, and spirit.

Located in the middle is the symbol of mindfulness and AWARENESS.

It’s positioned between two minds representing

our past and our future.

This symbolises how we often live our lives being stuck in our past or future.

We often get carried away by what could be and what will be, worrying about our future and creating versions of it in our thoughts. The past mind represents all the experiences that shaped us - our conscious and unconscious patterns of beliefs, thoughts and emotions about us and other people. The ways our bodies learned to function and respond to the world.

The symbol of awareness merges two minds together and centres in the middle - the present. This is where we can teach our mind to be - in the here and now. Because it is only in the NOW that we can actually create any change.

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